10 November 2008

Coming Out...

So I am coming out to my family and friends... 
I told my little sister first because she and I are really close to each other. She was not shocked cause supposedly I've said things to hint at the fact that I don't like men. 
The second person I told was my girlfriend we met in college and have been friends for the past 5 years. She took it bad, cried, upset, and disappointed. She stopped talking to me for a while and when she came to she still couldn't understand but was kinda sorta accepting on top of a whole bunch of stereotypical question. 
I then told my mother next and at first she did not take it bad. She told me she knew that I got "introduced" to homosexuality in 2005. For the next couple of weeks it was alright. Here and there she would have stereotypical questions but thats all. 
The forth person I told was one of my guy friends. I thought he would take it the worst cause lately he has been growing and things he has said made me think he would take it bad. But I told him and he was pretty much like soo... when am I going to meet her.  I was glad he  took it so well cause I didn't think that I would have been able to take another bad experience. 
My other guy friend and I have been talking about this for the longest and I know that he has no problem with me being a lesbian cause he has said it and has openly talked to me about me. 
I know I have more things to go through but Im ready...

1 comment:

Journey_Wmn said...

Okay so clearly I'm gonna post on all of your posts lol. But congrats on coming out, the hardest part is over. Now you just gotta learn how to deal.