Hello beautiful people! Its been a while... a long while... Right now life in terms of how fast the days are going by is great! Home life sucks and so does my internship life. I am trying to keep a positive attitude about things but I am human and sometimes it slips.
Home life sucks because I am currently my mother's verbal punching bag taking all the hits for no apparent reason. I have come to the conclusion that my mother needs somebody to blame and I happen to be in her crossfire. I have no idea what is wrong with her but I was told that my approach to the situation is insensitive. I then realized that my sensitivity ran short a couple of years ago. It ran out because me being pleasant rarely worked to my advantage. Now I do not know how to sugar coat much and my bluntness is getting nowhere so I choose to just be quiet.
Internship life sucks because I have a controlling supervisor that does not have my best interest in mind. She does not want me to do anything and blocks my progress every step of the way. I tried to get moved around in the hospital and realized that no one at that hospital really does have my best interest in mind. So right now I am choosing to suck it up because if I do not I will not graduate.
Classes are wonderful I am currently not only passing but excelling and I am pretty happy about that. If only classes were over... but soon!
On another note I am so so so ready to cut my locks its ridiculous. I have only been locking for a year and 7 months but for some reason I have an itch to cut them off completely!
Anyway I got to go I should be studying, writing a paper, or maybe even both. Talk to you soon!