30 December 2009

The end of 2009

Hello Beautiful people! Seems like the year went by so fast and now it is coming to a close in a day. As I think about my journey and growth over this past year I realize that I have a lot more growing to do. I accomplished a lot but I also made a lot of mistakes this year. I was able to learn and grow from these mistakes and accomplishments and I hope the new year brings more.

The hardest thing that I learned about myself this year was I have a hard time acknowledging my true feelings and coping with my true feelings. I am not exactly sure the moment this year I realized this but when I did it was really hard for me to comprehend. I knew that from time to time I would sacrifice my feelings to please others. But I did not realize that my feelings were being over looked by not only myself but others. I became disappointed in myself when I realized what I had been doing. This upcoming year I am going to work on coping with my feelings and acting on them. I have some reservations about this because of my own insecurities but until I cope with my feelings I am not going to get far in my growth. I am a pleaser and in order for me to look out for myself and grow in the process I need to start listening to me. I do not want to change what I've been through I just want to improve where I am going to.

Graduation is around the corner in 136 days/20 weeks. I never thought I would make it this far but I am here in one piece. This semester went better than expected and I hope my last semester and finding a job is more of a breeze than a struggle. I usually signify the ending of something in my life and the beginning of something new in my life with a tattoo or piercing. In the past it has brought me good fortune in my new beginnings. I've started my search for a symbol of this moment in my life so that I can get a tattoo... any ideas? I am planning on getting the tattoo before or on graduation day because I feel like it will be bad mojo if I do not.

I will be 25 in some teen days and supposedly I am supposed to start my quarter life crisis... wish me luck!

So as this year ends and the new year begins I go dancing to India.Arie's I Choose. Realizing that the ball has always been in my court and now I have to figure out how to use it. Peace, health, and blessing in the New Year!



UGLYFirst said...

Congrats on the up coming graduation, also early Happy Birthday wishes!!! As for a tattoo suggestion, how about "Sankofa"? Sankofa can mean either the word in the Akan language of Ghana that translates in English to "go back and take" (Sanko- go back, fa- take) or the Asante Adinkra symbol.

The Asante of Ghana use an Adinkra symbol to represent this same idea and one version of it is similar to the eastern symbol of a heart, and another version is that of a bird with its head turned backwards taking an egg off its back. It symbolizes one taking from the past what is good and bringing it into the present in order to make positive progress through the benevolent use of knowledge.

Adinkra symbols are used by the Asante to express proverbs and other philosophical ideas. These ideas are numerous and are used throughout the world because of their aesthetic and spiritual beauty. Sankofa has since been adopted by other cultural groups in the area and around the world.

Here's a link to check the symbol out: http://www.kandaceacademy.org/

Anonymous said...

She played a free concert at the Kennedy Center in Washington, DC yesterday...