13 October 2009

I was marching were you?

So even though I had a ton of work (as I do now at 3:03 am) myself and gang of 3 went to Washington D.C. to march Sunday. It was only a hop skip and metro ride away from home so it was not as much of a travel as New York, Washington, Utah, Massachusetts, or Florida was for some. There were so many people young, old, and in-between marching it was just amazing! But wildly while I was leaving Staceyann Chin literally ran into me I was most definitely in shock and instead of saying anything I moved away from her. Ridiculous right? I know! Anyway my sister was the official Exploring Me photographer for the day so here is her work. Enjoy!


Journey_Wmn said...

Ah I wish I knew you were marching we could have met up!

Queers United said...

twas awesome to march