02 August 2010

Friday was pay day

Hey beautiful people! It's been a long while. Right now I have a 4 hour commute every day so by the time I get home I'm really not interested in blogging let alone getting on the computer. I am looking to move (cross your fingers in 2 weeks) soon I will be back into the swing of things and hopefully blogging more.

It has been 4 weeks since I started my job. And Friday was my first pay day. Even though I would rather be back in school, I am happy to have a job and excited for the experience I will acquire.

I am assigned to the Child Protective Services (CPS) unit but I have not started receiving cases yet. In a nut shell CPS is an investigative unit. We get neglect, physical, and sexual abuse cases and determine if the allegations are substantiated or not. We then open a case on the family with the agency or refer them to outside sources that can assist the family in various services. Yes we are the people who remove children from their homes if it is too risky or unsafe for the children to be there. But we only do that as a last resort because it is very traumatizing to a child and detrimental to their overall development. What I will be doing is very controversial because I will be dealing with people's lives. I know how important people are and I won't forget that.

I am in training supposedly until the end of September, by then I will start receiving cases. I've met a lot of great people so far and I am happy to be apart of this agency. On the other hand my training supervisor is terrible. She is not much of a supervisor because she is never around and does not really guide us (group of 6) like she is supposed to. Compared to the other supervisors mine is definitely terrible. Despite her short comings we are learning how to fend for ourselves. I've been privileged enough to shadow some great CPS workers and so far it's been interesting. Although this is not the most pleasant or happy job to be in I am having fun.

That's all for now. Have a good week!

Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®


Anonymous said...

Congrats on the job. It is a very important job and thank you for taking it so seriously. I look forward to your move so that you have more time to blog. Yay!

EvolvingContradiction7 said...

Thank you :) yay!