19 February 2009

Questions, Questions, Questions

Why do we have  to wait for a tragedy to make change?

Why is New Orleans and surrounding communities and states still suffering after 2005 Hurricane Katrina?

Why are there so many boarded up houses in Baltimore City, MD?

Are we not holding the Mayor and Governor accountable for what they said during their campaigns?

What happened to a Good Samaritan?

Why are individuals still being profiled because of the color of their skin?

How is it possible for coworkers to "mind their business" when illegal acts are happening?

N.I.M.B.Y. (Not In My Backyard)? Seriously? How selfish!

Do you not care about the environment? As well as the future for our children and the individuals living here? RECYCLE! DO NOT LITTER!

Why is there soo much inequality?

Is chivalry dead?

Is there such a thing as love?

I'm striving to explore me...

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