29 March 2009

What about me???

So I know this sounds completely selfish but I think one can be selfish even if it is for a moment. Right now... this is my moment. For the past ummm forever, I've taken the feelings of the people around me before my own. Now I know that is not selfish by far but, when will it be my turn to just think about me and my needs, wants, and desires? I keep telling myself that my day will come but it seems like I am just telling myself a lie.
I know that I am well cared for by everyone in my life but I feel like I settle because I am worried about how others feel. Now writing it down I understand it sounds completely WRONG. But I do feel this way... I asked someone to give me a break to let me just breath for a moment and they feel like I am asking too much of them, like it is impossible. Really? I just cannot wrap my head around it. Now I know somethings are easier said then done but at least try. Please?
To be real it is mostly my fault because I let people think that it is ok when it really is not... I don't really express my feelings as I should. Ladies... I know I am working on it. I really am trying to work on me... it takes time though. I've come to the realization that I am not superwoman and I do need a break, I need ME time. Where it is actually all about ME. Now it is just difficult for me to actually take the well needed break, but I am trying (baby steps, baby steps).
Well it is 2009 and I need to grow as a person and explore me!

1 comment:

TYR said...

I think we all need some ME time. I insist on taking it regularly. The people around me have come to understand that it's nothing personal, I just need them to let me be.