12 April 2009

The battle within... part un

I walked in this place, serene. I sit and meditate. I sit. Trying not to ask myself any questions, I sit. I have an epiphany. My mind and heart are in conflict with each other. My mind: rational. My heart: irrational. That is my block!, asking myself questions just gives either side more power in order for one side to win. In there it is a battle field. I figured it out all this time and I just figured it out. How do I stop the battle? How do I get them to realize that it is ok to live in one body and be happy. How can I get the battle to stop? I need to come to an agreement a settlement before my mind and heart hurt me. The stronger one is my mind rational and tough I feel like it has my best interest at heart. My heart not so strong it takes me on quests and journeys that my mind does not approve of. My mind does anything to protect my heart, my heart does not care. I have to find a way to stop this battle, I have to find a way to make peace with both my mind and heart.

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