08 April 2008


So I am totally into the UPeople experience... I started to watch it and fell in love with it. I don't know what episode is my favorite yet but I'm in the process of figuring it out. It is true I bet if I really think about it I go through at least 3 experiences a week. I went to private school all my life and it was predominantly Caucasian. When we were in History/Social Studies slavery would always come up in some chapter. Of course me being one of 2 or 3 people of color in the classroom everyone would give us the look like they apologize for what was done to the slaves. Or they would stupid stuff like your hair doesn't grow does it? or it can never get long right? What in the World! How ignorant of you to say such a thing out your mouth!... yea that is my UPeople moment! But go to the website www.suckaforlife.com and tell me what your favorite is...
Oh I got my favorite its BK Girl in Amsterdam. Home gyrl with the glasses the Caribbean one she is HOT. I'm glad she told her story it gave me some inspiration, my mother is Caribbean and her and I have gotten into many discussions about sexuality and it never ended pretty. So for her tell her story I can really relate. Anyone know her tell her to message me ;)

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