22 April 2008


I'm going to Hawaii for a week in May and I'm excited. I've never been and hope to get alot out of the experience. Its not an all fun trip its me and a group of musicians and we are going to musically delight anyone who wants to listen there. Every time we go on tour like this I learn so much more about myself. Its 7 days long and by the 4th day I start spending more time by myself, I don't understand yet why I do that but maybe I'll understand just a little more this time. 
I don't have much in common with my fellow musicians besides music and so it would be hard to hang out with them and have fun. It was funny cause we first had 4 people to a room, so I had some roomies but now it is 2 to a room. I'm kinda the odd Womyn out in the group so now I have no one to room with (great for me but not if  someone gets randomly stuck in a room with me). Anyway I will find ways to have fun and learn something too.
I don't consider this a vacation cause I still have work to do but it will be a refreshing break. Don't worry I just bought myself a digital camera (my first camera) and I'm going to take lots of pictures so that I can show you the beautiful scenery. I'm thinking about bringing my laptop but its new too and I paid alot for it, I don't want anything to happen to it but the hotel has WiFi (so tempting). Its tempting cause I know I'll have alot to talk about. Should I bring it? 
Can't wait to go just have to get through the next 3 weeks with moving, classes, job hunting, and work... 

I love to reading and since it is going to be a 15hr flight I want to stock up on some books any suggestions?


Journey_Wmn said...

I'm soo jealous. I want to go to Hawaii soo bad. I might have to stalk you to find out where you are and then hide in your luggage lol

I think it's safe to bring your laptop. I brought mine to Trinidad with me and we were staying on a campus with very little security. Hotels are pretty safe.

As for books I suggest Alice Walker - Temple of My familiar
or Anything by Octavia Butler. Even though Fledgling kind of creeped me out.

EvolvingContradiction7 said...

my duffel has room lol... Thats good to know hopefully our hotel is safe... Thanks for the book advice I'm planning on buying a couple