28 April 2008

Friends are like seasons they come and go

Reminiscing to freshmen year I remembered all the new friends I made and some I lost. In high school one of my friends told me that friends are like seasons I did not understand at first but now I do (she and I are no longer friends). Freshmen year of college I met people that were similar to me and their similarities really did bring us together. My roommate and I lived together, these two girls I knew from rehearsal and class became the people I hung out with outside of performances, class, and my room. We shared secrets, we cooked, we ate, we just bonded with each other and that brought us close together. 
But there was something that set me apart from them. after the first semester I began distancing myself from them and by my third semester in college the only on that I hung out with was my roommate. What set me apart from the rest? One of the girls and I are still see each other in our performance group and there is soo much animosity built up between us that if it came to it, we would yell at each other or worse fight (which I have no intentions on doing). How did I let it get to that level?  In a class I'm taking this semester I just learned about the group called ACT UP, they were founded in New York in the late 1980s. They are an HIV (back then AIDS) coalition check the website out www.actupny.org in the beginning their symbol was an upside down pink triangle (Nazi training camp symbol to recognize gay men) and under it read SILENCE = DEATH (powerful right?). 
Think about it... silence=ignorance, ignorance=fear, fear=hatred, hatred=violence, violence=death. I related that to this girl and I, we just stopped talking to one another and after a time it just festered and became this huge thing that's really nothing. I was thinking that the ignorance between us really did us in, I felt like she was lying to herself. I know that's very judgemental of me but let me tell you how it was. Its like being the kid who gets picked on in school and you can't stand the people who pick on you so much, but then you become them, What kind of sense does that make? None to me that's why I felt that way. 
Now I really don't think it is necessary to fix this relationship between us cause of the way she acts towards other members in the group even teachers. In this case she is a season and now I can't see how we were ever friends. She was put in my life for a reason but I don't know why, I can't think of what I learned from her.
My roommate and I are still friends we have our moments when we are not talking to each other but over all we are really close. I do believe that she shares alot with me and some how I've gotten away with not sharing everything with her about me. I love her to death but in my opinion she can be close minded (like my mother) and I can't share something with someone that will judge me or what I stand for. 

To you: What happened to those friends you had in high school or college? You know the one that you were soo close to but not anymore? What happened between you two to separate you from them? Did you learn from them? What set you apart? let me know


1 comment:

Journey_Wmn said...

I definitely drifted apart from pretty much all of my "best friends" from high school and middle school. I'm still tight with my best friend from college. There was a group of us. However, me and one of my friends drifted apart. This was largely due to my coming out. She refuses to talk about my sexuality so I can't really be friends with her. To be perfectly honest I'm still hurt by it. I'm not sure what I learned from her. I know that while we were friends she was really encouraging and definitely always helped put a smile on my face. It really is sad that we're not close anymore, but that's life