15 April 2008


I'm soo stressed!!! I need a job like badly back home for the summer and potentially while in grad school. Job hunting is so difficult! I'm moving back to a big metropolitan area on the east coast and I can't find a job? It's kinda crazy, I know it takes time but I've been searching since February. I understand it is a process but I feel like I am running out of time. 
I did go home last Friday to bring some of my stuff from my apartment to my mother's house. I was excited to be home even though I was only there for a couple of hours. My main reason for coming home is because I had an interview that day and I got the job which is exciting but it's a full-time position with the same amount that I make now. I am grateful for the opportunity and for even interviewing me but my options are open though. I'm interested in a night job really so that from classes I cam go right to work then to sleep. I've been doing night shift so it has grown on me so I can hang.

No Job No Money 
No Money No Apartment
No Apartment No Freedom

1 comment:

E. said...

TELL ME ABOUT IT!! I've been searching for almost an entire year!! I dont know what to do anymore. it's so hard. good luck!